Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Tears began to stream down my face as Jody and Austin's group shared of how they ran into Tom on Tuesday morning at the Salvation Army bus.

He's doing well. With a smile, he shared his story with some of the students and every last one of them were affected by it. I found out that one of the guys from my church talked to him on the street corner the other day as well and the fact they saw him in the place he swore he wouldn't return says a lot.

Though not fully well, he's out and about. And I am encouraged once again.

I doubt that Tom knows the extent of how many young people he has influenced. But still, he never fails to tell of the ways in which God is at work in his life.

I SAW JESUS TODAY. He walked into the Co-op Misison on the east side of Nashville. The moment I saw Him, I knew it was He. As He left the building with hands full of clothes and lunch for the day His smile said, "For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was naked and you clothed me." I will never forget His face and the amazing smile that spoke to my heart.

I wish I could say I wrote that. But I can't. However, it is testimony to the fact that people are catching glimpses of God in the city.

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