Ambiguous address (**cough*cough**)
Oh you, who rests little and does too much, what do you have to offer? Oh you, whose mind is always racing, when did you forget what it is to be fully present? Oh you, who rarely returns phone calls and has too many messages to respond in full, do you even remember who called you today? Oh you, who falls asleep nearly every afternoon, do you really think lack of sleep is the only thing making you tired? Oh you, who once found joy in studying, why do you think you struggle to open a book? Oh you, who knows much about health, theology, and "balance," this is no mystery to you.Indeed, it is time. Time to truly STOP and be reminded of the beautiful simplicity of life; to stand in awe of just how much we don't know; to rejoice in the "little things."

- Detoxing with good friends
- 3 weeks in KC to catch up with family and friends
- Celebrating the weddings of my brother and good friends
- Coming back to Nashville
- Nannying some; perhaps working for a doctor's office some; finding a consistent job maybe
- Delving more deeply into the East Nashville community again
- Reading, Writing, Painting, Dreaming, Laughing, Yoga-ing
- Enjoying the beauty of Creation (And creativity)
- Learning to "laugh through my tears" and "love without fear" (Phrase Coined by Over the Rhine - "Born" - check it out; good song)

P.S. I challenge YOU to rest. WHAT IF we all learned to receive this gift while we were young; what would the world look like? Have you lost your "Wonder?"