Sunday, October 23, 2011


For rest that truly does revive.
For sleep. meditation. yoga.
For the deep humility that comes when pride is dismissed.

For healing.
For tears. letting go.
For laughter.
For physical relief. fewer headaches.

For the change of seasons.
For sunny days. rainy days. cold chills.
For an obvious reminder that people are not the only creation that inhabits the earth.
For people that still love when I'm not around.
For family. friends. Antioch.

For relationships that make me aware of my faults.
For Family. Everyone.
For grace that sees beyond imperfections yet never serves as a cop-out.
For hope that springs forth in the midst of broken systems.
For a voice to cry out in the face of injustice.

For confidence that I am not the one who heals.

Truly thankful...
“Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest awhile.” (For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat). Mark 6:31
...that solitude doesn't end in solitude.